We developed Cash My Salary, a centralized mobile app for the financial industry, allowing users to apply for instant loans at a time that is most convenient to them. The app boasts using data-driven algorithms to calculate the most feasible loan system that the user will be able to pay with ease. Applying for a loan is now effortless and takes less than 5 minutes.

With the aim of making it easy and convenient for customers to get instant loans, our client wanted to develop a complete on-demand app that provides instant access to users from all areas of life. Through this financial app, our client wanted to solve the problems of their customers in real-time.

The app uses thoughtful design, a non-cluttered approach to a visual interface, and striking menus. After sign-up (which only takes a minute), the user is taken to an intuitive screen with straight-forward choices that lead to real tangible results.

Why Should Businesses Invest in Apps?

Ease of use is the enduring shorthand for accessibility in the digital era – it’s the secret to digital marketing success that businesses like Uber and Lyft realized very early on. In today’s hyper-connected, fast-paced world, companies must develop solutions that get the job done in just a few swipes (or clicks). It is the promise of mobile financial apps.

The number of mobile app downloads has been meteorically increasing since 2017, which had only 178 billion app downloads. The numbers are now projected to hit 248 billion in 2022. It is a 45 per cent increase in just five years. The same applies to financial apps in 2020. People inch closer to an economy driven by cashless transactions, which is not only convenient but also encourages social distancing at a time when the coronavirus is still raging strong.

Cash My Salary

Countries like Japan, South Korea, and the United States, UAE saw an increase in the weekly usage of financial apps by 55%, 35%, and 20% respectively. India, which is one of the most digitally connected populations in the world, heavily depends on fintech and financial apps like Cash My Salary.

Businesses that want to gain an edge over their competition need to facilitate one-stop-shop solutions that empower users to complete their goals in real-time without spending hours in queues.

Three Elements That Make an App Successful

All the elements that contribute to a successful financial app have one thing in common: they make life easier for the customer.

  • Registration is Short and to the Point

    People don’t like to wade through endless forms that require tons of information to recollect and fill. Long registration forms are the primary reason why people never commit to a purchase. With KASIT, we make your app registration process simple, quick, and efficient.

  • Improve Design

    People don’t want endless pop-ups that distract from the task at hand. The app should be easy to use, and the features intuitive enough without causing endless distractions.

  • Customer Feedback and Improving

    The most significant growth spurt is driven by customer feedback. When users report their problems (and bugs) back to you, you’re able to patch up those problems to make your app more refined.

Create, market, and generate profit from financial apps with KASIT. We give you the edge you need to gain leverage over your competition. Click here to connect with us & learn more about our app development process!

KASIT is based in UAE with offices in Sharjah, Saudi Arabia & India and servicing clients all over the Middle East region with best digital marketing & eCommerce, cybersecurity and managed IT services.